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M.O.R.E.  Anti Racist Group

Move On Racism Everywhere



M.O.R.E. is anti-racism movement that supports and promotes equality for all ethnic people and people of all races worldwide.


M.OR.E. is the Publisher of Unjust Magazine, a magazine that gives readers an eye opening account of all the disturbing issues that now plague America, and this magazine is a must read for any and all people in America and abroad, because you are guaranteed to find an article in Unjust Magazine that hits home with you, no matter what your race is or your economic status is, Unjust Magazine will touch a nerve in you to stand up for a bigger purpose in life besides yourself.



During the Trump Presidential Campaign and the unpopular election of Donald Trump as President, the rise in racism, discrimination, hate crimes, bigotry, white supremacist groups, and the stereotyping of ethnic people worldwide has reached a disproportionate high level of anti-Islam, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitism, anti-Gay, anti-Black, anti-Latino, and anti-immigrant sentiment, that is spreading like a fast moving cancer of hate among those that share or support Donald Trump’s agenda and the Trump rhetoric is creating the climate for both a religious war and a race war worldwide.



The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has aggregated media reports and gathered submissions from its website, catalogued 1064 such incidents, 13 of which were later debunked as false reports, in the first month after Trump won the presidency. (Twenty-six of those incidents were perpetrated against Trump supporters.) The SPLC has presented that data in aggregate, creating an invaluable record of the scope of post-election hate crimes.



M.O.R.E. realizes that no country or people can successfully thrive in a divided society of inequality, hate, racism, bigotry, and the degradation of Muslims worldwide, these actions must be addressed by proactive people that are willing to unite, stand up, and stand strong against the hate, racism, the bigotry, and the racists that now proudly flaunt their hate openly in public against ethnic people and gay people worldwide, and as a result, many ethnic people are becoming passive victims instead of proactive activists standing their ground and uniting as a people to stand up to the racism that many fear, try to avoid, and just ignore because you feel it doesn’t personally affect you or your family, but if racism, hate, and inequality affects one person, it affects all of us and if you stand passively by and take no action against racism, it will take action against you as it has done in the past and present times, because power does not back up in the face of weakness, it only gains more strength, so if you want to give racism more strength, all you have to do is remain passive, stand down, and watch your American dreams become nightmares.



Now is the time to organize as a people and stand up for the people by joining with M.O.R.E. to combat inequality, racism, and bigotry worldwide.



M.  O.  R.  E. (Move On Racism Everywhere)

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